TODAY, I WANT TO TELL YOU GUYS ABOUT ONE OF INDONESIAN FAMOUS R PRODUCTS. SOOOOOOOOOO, LET'S START IT! “POLYGON” Indonesia may be called an import country, almost all imported products even include food which in fact denies the fact that this country is a ripah len jenawi. A status that strikes a long debate, are we still as an agrarian country. But there is not a bit of pain of the nation's children who bear positive fruit. An expensive identity to prove our nation is productive and innovative. A hard work that must really be done to be more meaningful for the development of the country. Finally, from a little struggle of the nation's children, a collaboration and a domestic brand were to be proud of. Polygon for example, when viewed from the naming of the brand impressed foreign and came from western countries that rely on advanced technology. It turns out that polygon bikes have the main production base in Indonesia or you could s...